10 Foods That Strengthen Kid’s Teeth and Oral Health

diet and dental health foods that help keep kids teeth strong

Maintaining the health of children’s teeth is crucial. Eating well is one of the most important factors in maintaining good dental health. Many foods naturally help clean teeth and prevent tooth decay. Here are ten foods that can help you maintain your kid’s dental health.

1. Cheese

Cheese is an excellent food for healthy teeth. This milk product has lots of calcium, a mineral critical for the human body to create strong teeth and bones. The consumption of cheese can further rebalance the acid-base ratio of your mouth. If the pH level is balanced, there is less acid to cause tooth decay.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is another dairy product that’s good for teeth. It has a lot of calcium and protein. Proteins help restore and build body tissues, including teeth. Yogurt also contains probiotics, or healthy bacteria, which help balance the bacteria that cause cavities.

3. Leafy Greens

Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are full of vitamins and minerals. They have lots of calcium for strong teeth and folic acid, a vitamin for healthy gums.

4. Apples

Apples are referred to as “nature’s toothbrush” because they can effectively clean teeth and gums when chewed. The crunch of apples helps eliminate plaque while promoting salivation, which helps to wash bacteria, food leftovers, and more.

5. Cranberries

Compounds in cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, helping to prevent plaque and gum diseases. There are many products like cranberry juice and dried cranberries, which contain added sugars. It is always recommended to consume whole cranberries or opt for unsweetened cranberry products.

6. Lean Proteins

Phosphorus-rich foods, like chicken and fish, are helpful to develop and maintain healthy teeth. Phosphorus is a mineral that, when combined with calcium, helps to keep tooth enamel strong and resistant to decay.

7. Almonds and Nuts

Almonds and other nuts contain calcium and protein.  Nuts and almonds will help you maintain strong teeth. They have relatively little sugar, which is beneficial since too much sugar can cause tooth cavities.

8. Eggs

Vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium, is abundant in eggs. Vitamin D reduces gum inflammation and eliminates oral bacteria to support tooth health.

9. Water

Water is a vital component of oral health, even though it is not a food. Drinking water cleans away food particles and bacteria. Fluoridated water may help to strengthen teeth and guard against dental issues. Parents must make sure their kids drink enough water each day. 

10. Oranges

Citrus fruits, like oranges, are beneficial to your gums.  They contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is necessary to keep gums healthy. Remember to rinse your mouth with water after eating citrus fruits, as they are acidic and can erode tooth enamel if left on teeth for an extended period.

Tips for Parents

Although these foods can strengthen teeth, consuming too many sugary or sticky foods should be avoided. More specifically, excessive intake of cookies, candies, and soft drinks may cause tooth decay. Encourage kids to brush and floss their teeth daily to eliminate plaque and food particles.

Protect Your Child’s Smile with Us!

At Flossophie Children’s Dentistry, we provide care of children’s teeth with gentle treatment and expertise. Our team of pediatric dentist in Duluth uses modern techniques to maintain the health of young smiles. We aim to ensure that every visit your child makes to our office is enjoyable and stress-free. 

Make an appointment for your child’s dentistry at our office today!

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